Friday, November 19, 2010

BFA ramblings

Welcome readers,
I will continue this blog by proposing ideas for my BFA show satisfying my degree in Digital Media Arts at San Jose State University.

I have a few ideas that I would like to pursue, but this will be a way of refining my ideas into something that will work.

I would like to combine my new learned skills in the digital realm with my skills in making tactile artwork.


1. Using my knowledge of printing with alternative processes in photography I would like to create enlarged negatives and print on large pieces of fabric. I have learned that using alternative processes such as Cyanotype and Vandyke there are many possibilities to printing interesting imagery, ranging from photogram-esque images to detailed images. In the past I have made many images with digital negatives but would like to make something larger.
By using fabric as my printing surface, I can easily upscale the image I am printing. I have a thought of using actual people to be used to create silhouettes on the surface.
These pieces of fabric will hang from a circular structure attached to the ceiling. This structure would allow the fabric to be draped to the floor so that the images on the fabric are visible. A colored light would be used to illuminate the fabric, as the viewer would have the freedom to enter the space and experience the inside.

2. My second idea encompasses the idea of meditation and mandalas. I find it important in life to find peace of mind- whether it be simply pausing your day for a thought, or dedicating time solely to your thoughts.

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