Sunday, October 2, 2011

From the show...

The show 'get lost swirly eyes' was a success.
Too bad it was only able to exist for 4 days. It existed in my head much longer, but with that in mind, I have only been inspired to continue making art.
As my first installation piece, I was unsure of how the viewer might take to the work. I had hopes of success (in the 'fine art' nature), with the viewers left intrigued and stimulated. It is one thing to create art, but if you cannot evoke something from the viewer, sometimes I wonder...why? My goal for this work was to change the mind set of the viewer and take them to another state of consciousness.
Many good reactions to the installation really gave me a great sense of closure. I loved watching people walk inside just to discover astroturf, and then step on it as if it was the first time. I loved how many wondered whether you should pass to the other side of the tapestry- many unsure and left to only pear through the most iridescent square patched in.

The viewers that chose to sit on the design-esque mustard colored pillows, to watch the awkward, yet seemingly pleasurable video.

The comments of "this is sick dude" or the ones trying to pick my brain to discover what is is I was trying to 'say.'

This was a great experience- one I hope to reincarnate with other installations in the future!
Enjoy the photos -- Nichole